After a rethink of our lunchtimes, we decided to appoint some playtime Sports Leaders who would be able to help set out and support children with playing different games and be good role models for everyone too. We chose 4 children from each class in year 5 & 6 and they have just finished their second week of their duties! It has been really fantastic to see the children engaging in different games and our new Sports Leaders taking on the responsibility of helping other children during their lunchtimes -so a massive than you and well done to our new Sports Leaders!
Digestive system fun
Year 4 enjoyed recreating the digestive system and representing the organs involved with real life objects! We were terrific at explaining each stage using our scientific vocabulary too!
Year 4 challenge to you – Does anyone know the job of the small intestine in the digestive system?! Which do you think is LONGER in length, the large intestine or small intestine?
Celebrating Chinese New Year
Today, Tiger Class have had lots of fun learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year. We learnt about China, the animals included in ‘The Great Race’ and shared red envelopes with each other.
Special thanks to Becky from the WOW centre Manchester for providing us with lots of interesting resources to explore.
Year 1 – Maths – Explore Learning
This week Year 1 enjoyed having a visit from Explore Learning. The children explored number bonds. They thought of different addition combinations to make 5 with fruit and had fun.
Design & Technology project – tasting South American food and making a multi-course South American inspired meal.
Year 6M and 6T were able to enjoy tasting some South American food last week and then planned their own 3 course meal to cook. In groups, they tasted Tacos, vegetable chilli and salsa. They then planned a meal with Guacamole and tortilla chips as a starter, vegetable chilli and rice as the main course and chocolate cheesecake as a desert. Everyone really enjoyed cooking their dishes and getting to eat it too!
Paint in 1S
We have been using the Paint program in Computing to create characters from The Gingerbread Man traditional tale. We have used different brushes and colours to create our work.
Year 1 – Design and Technology – Toy Fire Engines
Year 1 have recently enjoyed designing and making toy fire engines in their design and technology lessons. First the children explored real toy vehicles to see how they work and what they were made out of. Then they tinkered with different materials and equipment that we had to find out what would work well. They learned how to make a chassis using wheels and axels. Next they designed their toy fire engine and got busy making it as a team. Finally they evaluated it by thinking about what worked well and what they would change to improve it if they made it again. Year 1 were brilliant at sharing ideas and working as a team to create the most AMAZING toy fire engines. Well done Year 1!
Year 1 – English – Making Gingerbread Men
Last week Year 1 enjoyed making Gingerbread Men in the kitchen. As part of our English we are learning about how to read and write instructions. The children followed a set of instructions in order to make their biscuits. We focused on the verbs like empty, mix, roll, knead, cut and decorate and now we will continue to focus on other features of instructions like bullet points, numbered instructions and pictures so that we can eventually write our own.
The children enjoyed their baking experience and we were lucky because non of the Gingerbread men ran away!
Making pizza in 5B
What a simple meal to make, but so tasty! We sampled various different toppings before designing, making and – the best bit – evaluating by tasting.
5M Greek-style pizzas
5M had a fantastic time today making Greek-style pizzas for our DT lesson. We learnt about traditional Greek food such as olives and feta cheese, and how to make and knead dough!