Year 2 had a fabulous time during their 1950’s dance workshop. They performed a dance to “Rock around the clock”. What wonderful dancers you are Year 2!

Year 2 had a fabulous time during their 1950’s dance workshop. They performed a dance to “Rock around the clock”. What wonderful dancers you are Year 2!
This year, in Mental Health Awareness Week the children have been embracing and building self-awareness. They enjoyed making posters celebrating their character qualities and exploring what makes them unique. On Friday, the children wore their own clothes to express themselves!
In Year 2 this week, We have been learning to create tally charts with Explore Learning. The children looked at seaside objects and sorted them into categories by their quantities and compared sets of data.
What a great day Year 2 had exploring and learning all about India. In the morning, the children had the opportunity to explore facts and create a fact file all about India. We also performed a poem all about New Dheli. In the afternoon, the children got creative by drawing the Taj Mahal and choreographing a Bollywood dance. They finished their day off by taking part in a quiz to demonstrate their wonderful learning. What amazing geographers you are Year 2!
On Tuesday Year 2 went to Heaton Park. The children enjoyed exploring the Somme Memorial, Heaton Hall, the farm and fed some very greedy ducks. The children will use their experience to write a recount.
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their work on equality, diversity and inclusion this week. We explored the book ‘Matha Maps It Out’ by Leigh Hodkinson and created our own maps of ourselves.
Year 2 had a fabulous morning showing off their awsome dance skills.
Year 2 loved sports day on Friday and had a great time showing off their running, jumping, skipping and throwing skills!