The Great Science Share

On Tuesday the children had the opportunity to demonstrate what super scientists they are by joining in with the Great Science Share. The aim of the science share is to…

  • Develop children’s communication skills through sharing what they have learned with others.
  • Encourage child accomplishment by offering a platform to share their learning.
  • To encourage children to develop independent learning skills and follow their own line of enquiry, build curiosity and confidence.

What incredible scientists we have at Bowker Vale!

Year 2M Science

Year 2 have been learning that all animals have offspring that grow and change into
adult animals. They have observed differnt lifecycles. A life cycle shows each stage of a plant or animals life. They know that all animals need water, food and air to survive and the offspring of an animal does not always look like the adult. They are excited to see how our class tadpoles change over time.

Year 2M No Pen Day!

Today was No Pens Day! That meant that for one whole day we had to put our pens down and think of new and innovative ways to communicate. First we started with reading. Then in English we put actions to our recount text. In maths we became times tables rockstars and in the afternoon we did lots of creative activities. All without a pen in sight!