Makey Makey time.

We have been exploring Makey Makey, a physical computing piece of hardware ( or invention kit!😊) and have been having lots of noisy fun.

Over the past few weeks, we have attempted to make music using these kits and a variety of objects including bananas, tomatoes and leaves. It has been lots of fun debugging our work to ensure musical success.

Safe Over Summer #3

  • Online/Digital safety –

Omegle has been a headache for those concerned with protecting children for a decade and a half. On first glance the site is a simple internet chatroom, reminiscent of platforms from the Internet’s early years. It has no registration or account system. Being designed with the originally innocent objective of getting strangers to talk to each other, but this allows under-18s to easily use the platform, without needing parental assistance, money or even an email address. This already creates a dangerous situation to young pupils, but its insistence on users needing a webcam to chat places anyone underage in an extremely vulnerable place. To find out more about Omegle and the risks it poses, please follow the links below: 

Internet Matters:

free and downloadable from here

Introduction to ChatGPT and AI chatbots – Ineqe Safeguarding Group

Online Safety Workshops

On Wednesday this week, safeguarding specialist Mawuli visited us at Bowker Vale. He held workshops for the children in years 4 and 5 where he taught the children how to stay safe online. He then held a workshop for the parents and carers of children in years 4 and 5, where he informed the attendees of the contracts users unknowingly sign when joining social media platforms, how easily information is gathered online and the risks associated with this, and how to implement parental controls on devices to keep children safe.