Attendance – Every Day Counts!

As you know good school attendance is essential to ensure that all children and young people make the most of available educational opportunities and achieve their full potential.

It is more important than ever to ensure that all children attend school every day, following the disruption to education over the last two years during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please take a few minutes to read through the information below.

If your child is unable to attend school –

Telephone school on the first day of your child’s absence to let us know why your child is not in school.

If your child has an appointment please show the appointment card to the office BEFORE the appointment. If possible appointments should be booked for after school or the school holidays.

If your child is going to be absent for more than one day please keep in contact with school, letting us know when you expect them to be well enough to return.

 ALL absence must be recorded by school every day.

Punctuality –

On an average school day between 10 and 20 children arrive late to school. Arriving late affects your child’s progress as they miss the opening part of their day and it can take them longer to feel settled into their learning. Being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning, often classes start the day with time to read with their teacher or TA, change their reading books or take part in pre-teach groups – children who regularly miss this time are more likely to fall behind in their learning.

Remember the school doors are open between 8.40am and 8.50 am and the school day begins at 8.45am; please ensure your child arrives on time.

Leave of absence from school –

Please also be reminded that there is no automatic right to take leave in term-time and it is only in exceptional circumstances that a request for leave of absence will be agreed. You need to discuss any leave with school and complete the request form that is available from the school office. Please make sure the leave is agreed before making arrangements e.g. booking flights or accommodation.

Support and guidance on attendance is always available from our school. If you have any questions or feel you need any advice or support please contact Mrs Orr or Mrs Griffin.


This week’s attendance is 93.1% and there have been 133 late arrivals to school this week.

Please remember school’s aim, shared by all Manchester schools, is for our school attendance to be 96.5% or higher.

When you get your child’s mid-year report please check their attendance and punctuality – are they on track for hitting our target? If not is there anything school can do to support better attendance at school? Support and advice is always available please speak to Mrs Griffin or Mrs Orr.


This week’s attendance has dropped again and is only 93%, let’s make a really great effort next half-term to reach our 96% target each week.

There were less late arrivals at school this week at 104, however this still means that, on average, 20 children are arriving to school late each day.


This week we had our termly Attendance Celebration Assembly. 191 children joined the Bronze Attendance Club which means their attendance was 98% or higher – an amazing achievement!

Next term there is another chance to join the Bronze Attendance Club and for these 191 children there is a chance to join the Silver Attendance Club.


Attendance in school this week was 93.7% – please remember we are aiming for 96% to put our school in line with primary school attendance nationally and at the moment are not reaching this.

There were fewer late arrivals to school this week, with 94 late arrivals between Monday and Friday.