This week, we have been celebrating our differences and talking a lot about equality, diversity and inclusion. Based on the book, Martha Maps it Out by Leigh Hodgkinson, we have created maps of ourselves which we are really proud of.
Category Archives: Writing
Year 1 – English – Hook – Non-fiction book – Giraffes
In English, Year 1 are going to start looking at non-fiction texts. Last week we recieved a letter from an animal that led us on a hunt around school. The animal left us facts about themselves at different points so thet we could try to disciver which animal it was and it also led us on a hunt around the different types of trees we have around Bowker Vale. Something that we had recently discovered in our Science lessons about plants where we went round identifying the leaves on trees. When we reach our final clue we ALL knew which animal it was and it led us to find George and Sparkle our class GIRAFFES and a new non-fiction book all about giraffes. In English we are going to explore the book and write our own non-fiction text about giraffes.
The Water Cycle
Year 6 have been inspired by our text ‘Once Upon a Raindrop’ when experimenting with ink and water colours to create ripple artwork. This has formed the background for their explanation texts all about the water cycle.
5B life cycles
What an amazing set of explanation texts.
Year 1 – NO Pen Day!
Year 1 were shocked and excited to see that all the pencils and pens were taped off this morning as it was NO Pen Day!
The children enjoyed the day doing lots of speaking and listening and creative activities. In English they did ‘talk for writing’ where they shared their sentences with each other so that they can write their Bowker Vale leaflets next week. They enjoyed a lesson full of measure activities in Maths. They also enjoyed learning about Animals Including Humans in our new Science topic where we did talk circles and sorting activities.
Writing Exhibition
Last year, we worked with a Joe Shute, a journalist and author, to write poems about the River Irk. Our work is now displayed at North City Library and on Wednesday, we got the opportunity to share some of our poems at the library with members of the community. We are so proud of the work we have produced.
Writing Magazine Winners
Well done to all the writing superstars who were picked by their teachers to feature in the latest edition of the Writing Magazine and receive a prize for their hard efforts. Children were picked for a range of reasons including writing suitably for their given audience, using capital letters and full stops accurately and producing neat, cursive handwriting. Well done everyone!
The writing winners are:
Nursery- Fletcher Zebras- Hiba Giraffes- Hashim
1K- Sarina 1S- Zakiya
2M- Inayah 2D- Amaya
3M- Khadija 3A- Zayna
4P- Simrah 4DT- Adelina
5B- Tye 5M- Lydia
6T- Amrita 6M- Yevhen
SSC- Liam
2D Explore Learning
2D have enjoyed a visit from Explore Learning. We had to retell the story of Cinderella and change parts to make it more interesting and humorous! Well done for all of your great ideas and teamwork 2D.
5M Explore Learning Workshop
Explore Learning delivered a fantastic workshop to 5M today which we thoroughly enjoyed. We created a radio advert for a useless imaginary product. We came up with lots of ideas such as a watch that doesn’t tell the time, or glasses without lenses.
Year 2 English Workshop
Year 2 had a great time during their Explore Learning workshop. They had the opportunity to explore twisted fairytales and make up their own story.