On Friday 24th May, we proudly celebrated Cultural Diversity Day throughout the school. Our amazing Bowker Leaders led an assembly where we talked about what Cultural Diversity Day is and discussed how we will be celebrating this in school. On Friday 24th May, the children rotated around different classes and teachers taught the children about a different culture. The children ended the day by having a ‘Good to be Me’ afternoon, where the children celebrated being themselves! The children also came in to school wearing traditional cultural clothing, or their own clothes. This was a fantastic day! Well done everyone!
Category Archives: Bowker Leaders
Eid Festival
Come and celebrate Eid with us, after school in our hall on Thursday 18th April.
Celebrate our Community
Please come and join us on Thursday 29th February from 08:30 for our ‘Celebrate Islam’ event as part of our Celebrate our Community events that will be taking place this year!
Some of our wonderful Islamic families will have some tables in our hall displaying some interesting information which they feel is important to share with the children at Bowker Vale and their families about Islam.
We would love as many of you as possible to come along from 08:30 on Thursday 29th February.
We would also like to thank all our Islamic families parents for working collaboratively with us and for organising such a great event.
Celebrate our Community – Islam
We are inviting parents/carers of the Islamic community in to school on Wednesday 24th January @ 2:15pm to meet with Mr Kelly and Miss Thomason to help us plan our next Celebrate our Community event, Islam.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!
Sikhism Morning
This month we held our first ‘Celebrate our Community’ event where our wonderful Sikh families brought food and artefacts which they felt were important for the children and families of Bowker Vale to know and understand about Sikhism. They then shared an assembly all about Sikhism. It was really special! Thank you so much to our Sikh families for planning, hosting and leading such a wonderful event and to all the families who attended in the morning. We can not wait for our next event next month!
Celebrate our Community!
Throughout the year, we are going to be hosting celebrations of some of the different religious communities that make up our Bowker Vale school family!
We would love to work alongside our parents and carers to plan and host these celebrations, welcoming you to share your culture, religion, stories, food – anything and everything that you feel is important to share with the children at Bowker Vale and their families.
If you are a member of the Sikh community, we are looking for you to help us with our next celebration: Sikhism!
We would like to invite you to school on Monday 11th December at 2:15pm to discuss our first event.
A great big THANK YOU!
This morning, we had a Harvest assembly. Miss Jones led us in singing some Harvest songs and Paul from Salford Food Bank talked to us about the impact our donations have on those in need. We would like to say a HUGE thank you to all our children and families for your food bank donations – your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Visitor Safety at Bowker Vale
Merry Christmas from the Bowker Leaders!
The Bowker Leaders finished off this year by spending some time helping our local community.
As a group, we created Christmas gift boxes to be handed out to homeless people in and around Manchester city centre. We sent gifts to men, women and dogs, and most importantly included a festive message of well wishes in each.
Well done Bowker Leaders for all of your help this term. You have done a fantastic job helping our school and local community and showing others the Bowker Vale way!
Bowker Leaders at the Christmas Markets
Thank you to all of the Bowker Leaders who helped out at the Christmas markets this year! You may have seen them during your visit helping out on different stalls.
The Bowker Leaders also contributed their own time by making lots of delicious goodies for our treat stall.
Special thanks to Mr Jones for jumping on board during the production process, it was very much appreciated.
Well done Bowker Leaders!