Year 1 – Design and Technology – Fruit Kebabs

For our cooking and nutrition part of Design and Technology Year 1 made fruit kebabs.

First we thought about where fruit comes from in the world and we were amazed that the fruit we buy from our local supermarkets is actually grown in much hotter countries. Bananas from Brazil, grapes from India, blueberries from Spain and tangerines from South Africa. Then we discovered that the strawberries were from the UK and we talked about how they can be grown here during our summer months.

We then tasted all of the fruit and designed what we wanted our fruit kebabs to look like. Afterthat, we went into the Children’s Kitchen and explored how to prepare the fruit by washing them, peeling and chopping them. We made our fruit kebabs and displayed some great kitchen skills and finally we got to eat them and they were delicious!

Year 1S – Making Gingerbread Men

Year 1 are starting to learn about reading and writing instructions in our English lessons. So, yesterday we went to the kitchen and followed a set of instructions on how to make a Gingerbread Man. The children were amazing at pouring, mixing, kneading, rolling and cutting to create their biscuits. The children really enjoyed decorating them and they made sure they ate their Gingerbread Man before he RAN AWAY!

Year 1S – DT – Cooking and Nutrition – Fruit Kebabs

Recently, we have been focusing on the story Handa’s Surprise in our English lessons. In the story, Handa wants to surprise her friend with lots of different fruit. We started to think about where different fruit comes from from around the world and how it is grown. The children then tinkered by tasting a variety of fruit to which helped them design their own fruit kebab. We then went to the kitchen to make our fruit kebabs and the children explored how to peel, chop, slice and create a kebab on a stick. After they had made it they got to enjoy eating it and they were even superstars and cleaned and tidied away everything they had used in the kitchen.

Well done Year 1!!

Lunch fit for a King!

Thank you to our kitchen and lunchtime team for making lunch so special today! We had an afternoon tea picnic – although not everyone managed to get outside because of the rain! It didn’t matter if we were outside or inside, our picnic was amazing and everyone enjoyed the Coronation Party!