Year 6 visit to Khizra Mosque

Children in Year 6 spent an interesting morning at Khizra Mosque in Cheetham Hill as part of their learning in RE

We were welcomed into the main prayer room and we also visited the top floor where we could see the beautiful dome from the inside. We were shown around the washrooms used by Muslims before praying.

We learnt that the name Khizra means green which is the colour of the domecomes from the dome.

We found out about the importance of Ummah in the Islamic faith, how the behaviour and conduct of individuals can affect the whole community and that Muslims believe that it is your duty to help others you if you are able.

Congratulations to our Bowker Vale Students

What a wonderful email to receive from Sensei Gary Bohm. Congratulations to our amazing students who have done so well!

Dear Mrs. Jacques,

I am pleased to congratulate and compliment our Taijutsu members from Bowker Vale Primary School. They are an extraordinary group who are friendly, curious, respectful and always ready to learn.

Well done to the following students, who have achieved these steps in their learning just before Easter:

Yannis (4P) – One tab on his orange/yellow belt

Joshua (4P) – Orange/Yellow Belt

Nora (3A) – Orange/Yellow Belt

Evelyn (3A) – White/Yellow Belt

Abel (2) – White/Yellow Belt

Noor (3A) – White/Yellow Belt

Lilly-Grace (6) – White/Yellow Belt

Abigail (nursery) – White Belt

Please see attached a picture from the grading event. Kind regards,

Sensei Gary Bohm