Year 6 visit to Khizra Mosque

Children in Year 6 spent an interesting morning at Khizra Mosque in Cheetham Hill as part of their learning in RE

We were welcomed into the main prayer room and we also visited the top floor where we could see the beautiful dome from the inside. We were shown around the washrooms used by Muslims before praying.

We learnt that the name Khizra means green which is the colour of the domecomes from the dome.

We found out about the importance of Ummah in the Islamic faith, how the behaviour and conduct of individuals can affect the whole community and that Muslims believe that it is your duty to help others you if you are able.

No Pen Day in 3A!

3A had a brilliant morning learning how to read aloud effectively! They practised reading clearly, with feeling and expression using gestures and actions.

They read a play script from the story of Oliver Twist.

Amazing teamwork 3A and fabulous expressive reading!

In our Maths lesson 3A learned about capacity. They used containers of different sizes and carefully poured out different amounts of coloured water reading the scale on the side of the containers.

Amazingly very little water was spilled. The person to spill the most water was Miss Jones!

Well done 3A!

The Hindu festival of Holi

Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, love, and new life.

Some families hold religious ceremonies, but for many Holi is more a time for fun. It’s a colourful festival, with dancing, singing and throwing of powder paint and coloured water.

Holi is also known as the “festival of colours”.

The Nursery children pretended to throw coloured paints at each other and danced to some traditional Indian music!

RE visit from Sajjad Amin

Year 3 and 4 had a visit from Sajjad Amin who is a trustee at Khizra Mosque in Cheetham Hill.

He answered some questions from the children about the Qu’ran and how its teachings impact on his life as a practising Muslim.

He talked about the messages of respectfulness, kindness and peace and how important these values are to all Muslims.

Foodbank Activity session

Year 5 had a visit from Paul Harris from the Trussell Trust which is a charity supporting foodbanks in the North West. He lead a session consisting of playing a game of life/monopoly style game that helped to show the children what a few months can be like for people with bills to pay and unexpected things happening. They then reflected on how that felt and how that can lead to people needing a foodbank.

It was really interesting seeing how the children reacted to different circumstances and to see how fragile a balancing act life can be for so many.

Le jour de la Bastille (quatorze juillet)

Year 3 have been learning about France’s National Day of Celebration which is on 14th July.

Bastille Day celebrates the storming of the Bastille in Paris, France which signaled the start of the French Revolution. It is the French National day and is called La Fete Nationale in France.

The day is a national holiday in France. There are many large public events that take place. The most famous event is the Bastille Day Military Parade. It takes place the morning of July 14th in Paris. The first parade was in 1880. Many people attend the parade and even more watch it on television. Today the parade runs down the Champs-Elysees from the Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde. At the end of the parade the French President and many foreign ambassadors wait and greet the military.

Other popular events include large picnics, musical performances, dances, and fireworks shows.

We made some cards and rosettes in our French lesson to celebrate!

Ukulele Performance

Well done to the 2 Year 4 classes who gave a great ukulele performance to children and families!

The Year 5 and 6 group were amazing too! We will be continuing our Ukulele Club in September for children in year 5 and 6. We meet every week on Wednesday mornings at 8:00am so keep an eye out for a message from Miss Jones in September.

Nursery Music

Nursery have really enjoyed their Music with Miss Jones! Here they are enjoying their lessons!

They have learnt how to keep the pulse and play instruments in different ways (quietly, loudly, slowly and quickly!) They are brilliant at moving and tapping thier instruments in time to music and they enjoyed singing and playing with the lycra!