Dice Dilemmas in 5B

Explore Learning helped us find out about probability. We rolled a die and had to decide – using probability language – where to put that number to make the largest two or three digit number. Similarly, we had to create correct ‘greater than’ or ‘less than’ statements using dice rolls.

Year 1S – Geography – Trip to Heaton Park

Year 1 had a fantastic morning exploring Heaton Park as part of of Geography topic on our local area. We used our knowledge to identify human and physical features of the park and we used our map skills to find specific aspects of the park, like the Somme Memorial, Heaton Hall, the playground and the boating lake. We will now write a recount in our English lessons about the AMAZING time we had!

A trip to Heaton Park

This morning as part of our geography topic year 1 went on a trip to Heaton Park. Before the trip we looked at human and physical features located in and around the park using photographs and maps of our local area. We then followed a map and visited the Somme Memorial, Heaton Hall, the adventure playground and the boating lake. We had lots of fun, especially playing on the playground with our friends. In English we are also going to be writing a recount about our trip. It was a great morning!