Moving Schools – Childline 

The close of the school year, will see the usual relocation of primary pupils into the secondary system. However, educational establishments will also experience an influx of new pupils across their year groups. Perhaps a parent has moved to a new location, or it’s simply a matter of transferring a child from a school were they had issues to greener pastures. Whatever the cause, it’s undeniable that this occurrence can be a source of significant anxiety. This is perfectly natural as a response to a new environment, and a new society into which to fit. With this in mind, Childline has published a page dedicated to helping children deal with their feelings before their formal transition. To find out more, please click the link below:

Year 1 – English – Hook – Non-fiction book – Giraffes

In English, Year 1 are going to start looking at non-fiction texts. Last week we recieved a letter from an animal that led us on a hunt around school. The animal left us facts about themselves at different points so thet we could try to disciver which animal it was and it also led us on a hunt around the different types of trees we have around Bowker Vale. Something that we had recently discovered in our Science lessons about plants where we went round identifying the leaves on trees. When we reach our final clue we ALL knew which animal it was and it led us to find George and Sparkle our class GIRAFFES and a new non-fiction book all about giraffes. In English we are going to explore the book and write our own non-fiction text about giraffes.