Owl Babies

Nursery have had so much fun exploring our story the ‘Owl Babies’, by Martin Waddell. It tells the tale of a family of young owls who wake one night to find that their mother is not in the nest. Sarah, Percy and Bill get very worried about their missing mother, but huddle together to comfort and support each other. Thankfully it isn’t long before she arrives back to the nest with their dinner!

We have listened to the story closely and have tried hard to use longer sentences to talk about the story and answer questions. The children have enjoyed learning about owls, painting owl babies and role play as well as getting outside into our natural world. 

Year 3C art and design

Year Three have been learning how artists paint reflections. They have studied the work of a range of artists and thought about how they have created the reflection. They have practiced drawing in the reflection. Today they were applying what they have learned so far into their own reflection paintings.