The First Night!

We’ve had such a great first night at Robin Wood! We had fish fingers, chicken curry and ice cream for tea then had an evening of team games such as Pictionary, hoop dash and guess the song. They were so much fun and very competitive (especially the ‘Big Kids’ AKA the teachers)! We enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit before returning to our rooms. We’re now all tucked up in bed ready for our next day of adventure tomorrow!

Staying safe and how other people can help us

This term the SSC class have been working really hard to learn about what the word risk means. We have been thinking about the different types of risks we might come across in school, at home and in the community. The children are able to describe what the word risk means and have thought about different examples such as not following the green cross code when crossing the road or talking to strangers online. We have discussed the three main emergency services and the importance of only calling them if there is an emergency. During our PSHE and challenge box lessons we have been thinking about the ways in which to stay safe in our local community. The children will be putting into practise the skills they have learned this half term on our trip to Heaton Park.