Moving Schools – Childline 

The close of the school year, will see the usual relocation of primary pupils into the secondary system. However, educational establishments will also experience an influx of new pupils across their year groups. Perhaps a parent has moved to a new location, or it’s simply a matter of transferring a child from a school were they had issues to greener pastures. Whatever the cause, it’s undeniable that this occurrence can be a source of significant anxiety. This is perfectly natural as a response to a new environment, and a new society into which to fit. With this in mind, Childline has published a page dedicated to helping children deal with their feelings before their formal transition. To find out more, please click the link below:

King Charles Display – Yr3 and 4

We have a beautiful portrait of our King to display and need some wonderful pupil work to go alongside it.

Choose an image below to describe. Think about your word choices and the information you would like a reader to know. You can research to find out more interesting facts, or you might have the ideas in your head already! Aim for 4-5 sentences. The most creative writers will have their work displayed next to the portrait.

King Charles Display – Year 5

We have a beautiful portrait of our King to display and need some wonderful pupil work to go alongside it.

Can Year 5 children write a letter to our King? What would you like to say to him? Do you have any questions to ask? Do you think he is doing a good job so far? Do you want to send good wishes for his health at the moment?

If your letter is chosen to display, it will be seen by all of the visitors that come to school.

Congratulations to our Bowker Vale Students

What a wonderful email to receive from Sensei Gary Bohm. Congratulations to our amazing students who have done so well!

Dear Mrs. Jacques,

I am pleased to congratulate and compliment our Taijutsu members from Bowker Vale Primary School. They are an extraordinary group who are friendly, curious, respectful and always ready to learn.

Well done to the following students, who have achieved these steps in their learning just before Easter:

Yannis (4P) – One tab on his orange/yellow belt

Joshua (4P) – Orange/Yellow Belt

Nora (3A) – Orange/Yellow Belt

Evelyn (3A) – White/Yellow Belt

Abel (2) – White/Yellow Belt

Noor (3A) – White/Yellow Belt

Lilly-Grace (6) – White/Yellow Belt

Abigail (nursery) – White Belt

Please see attached a picture from the grading event. Kind regards,

Sensei Gary Bohm

Great British Spring Clean

The last week of this term, our children will be taking part in the –‘Keep Britain Tidy – Great British Spring Clean’

This means that children will be collecting litter and clearing our school grounds and also our local area too. Please be assured no litter will be handled by the children, they will have long handled picker sticks and sturdy bin bags.

With this big effort from Bowker Vale, we hope that you will notice a really positive difference and that together we can improve our own grounds and our local community.

Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will all be cleaning up areas within our school and the school grounds.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be leaving school on foot to clean up our local area.

If parent/carers of Yr 3/4/5/6 or members of our community would like to offer their help, please see your child’s class teacher or ring our school office – 0161 7405993 – thank you!

Community Litter Pick

There is also a Community Litter Pick which takes place on Saturday, 23rd March at 1pm. The Meeting Point is St. Andrew’s Community Hall, Longhurst Road, M9 8NS

Our Eco-Warriors Group takes part in the SpringcleanMcr24 Campaign of Keep Manchester Tidy.

This event is supported by the council and representatives of the Neighbourhood Office will be present.

Equipment and Refreshments are provided.