Year 1 – English – Hook – Non-fiction book – Giraffes

In English, Year 1 are going to start looking at non-fiction texts. Last week we recieved a letter from an animal that led us on a hunt around school. The animal left us facts about themselves at different points so thet we could try to disciver which animal it was and it also led us on a hunt around the different types of trees we have around Bowker Vale. Something that we had recently discovered in our Science lessons about plants where we went round identifying the leaves on trees. When we reach our final clue we ALL knew which animal it was and it led us to find George and Sparkle our class GIRAFFES and a new non-fiction book all about giraffes. In English we are going to explore the book and write our own non-fiction text about giraffes.

Year 1 – Design and Technology – Fruit Kebabs

For our cooking and nutrition part of Design and Technology Year 1 made fruit kebabs.

First we thought about where fruit comes from in the world and we were amazed that the fruit we buy from our local supermarkets is actually grown in much hotter countries. Bananas from Brazil, grapes from India, blueberries from Spain and tangerines from South Africa. Then we discovered that the strawberries were from the UK and we talked about how they can be grown here during our summer months.

We then tasted all of the fruit and designed what we wanted our fruit kebabs to look like. Afterthat, we went into the Children’s Kitchen and explored how to prepare the fruit by washing them, peeling and chopping them. We made our fruit kebabs and displayed some great kitchen skills and finally we got to eat them and they were delicious!

Year 1 – NO Pen Day!

Year 1 were shocked and excited to see that all the pencils and pens were taped off this morning as it was NO Pen Day!

The children enjoyed the day doing lots of speaking and listening and creative activities. In English they did ‘talk for writing’ where they shared their sentences with each other so that they can write their Bowker Vale leaflets next week. They enjoyed a lesson full of measure activities in Maths. They also enjoyed learning about Animals Including Humans in our new Science topic where we did talk circles and sorting activities.

World Book Day – 1S

The children in year 1 loved being part of the World Book Day celebrations. They enjoyed being in their costumes and bringing in their favourite books. They took part in a library session and enjoyed sharing lots of books with each other. They also enjoyed making shooting stars based on the book ‘Look Up’ and they met The Everywhere Bear for the first time.
The Everywhere Bear is our class bear and story and the children are going to be taking it in turns to take him home to give him lots of lovely experiences!

Year 1 Visit to Heaton Park

On Monday Year 1 went on a great walk to Heaton Park as we are learning about our local area in Geography. The children used their maps to locate where we were and naviagte to different places in the park. We were lucky enough to be invited into the Tram Museum, where we learned lots of history about trams in Manchester, which was so interesting. The children were able to identify human and physical features of the park and they even enjoyed a good play on the play park.

Well done Year 1!

Year 1 – Science – Everyday Materials – Knowledge Organiser

This term Year 1 are learning about Everyday Materials.

Take a look at the knowledge organiser to reinforce learning at home.

When you are at home or out and about talk about what things are made out of. Talk about why you think it has been made out of that. For example, a window is made out of glass because it is transparent and we can see through it. The sofa is made out of fabric because it is soft and comfy.