Remembrance Day 2022

The Bowker Leaders were on hand to help honour Remembrance Day and help collect Poppy Appeal donations around school.

Thank you to all who donated and to everyone that took part in the Remembrance Day activities. All of the class poppy wreaths were fantastic!

2,286 Remembrance Day Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

The Bowker Leaders wanted to take part in Remembrance Day by sharing the famous poem ‘In Flanders Field’ by John McCrae.

Parrenthorn High School Visitors

Last week, Years 5 and 6 were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Bell, the Headteacher at Parrenthorn High School. He brought along some of our former Bowker Vale pupils – it was lovely to see their familiar faces! They explained all about what year 7 is like at Parrenthorn, the subjects you can study and answered all of our questions (we had lots!). Mr Bell also informed us of the upcoming open evening (6th October) and lots of us were eager to attend!

Manchester Parking Enforcement Team Assembly

This morning, Bowker Vale received a visit from the Manchester Parking Enforcement Team.

As part of our ‘world of work’ assemblies, upper school were able to meet some of the traffic officers and learn more about their job role and how they keep our community safe.

We discussed what being a parking officer involves and the reasons why we need traffic wardens in our local area, especially outside the busy road at Bowker Vale.

Our Bowker Leaders worked with the parking officers to think about ways we can increase awareness around parking hazards outside of school. Together, we discussed ideas of how we can promote other ways of getting to school other than a car, such as public transport, riding a bike or walking.

Look out for our traffic awareness posters outside of school in the future!

Thank you Manchester Traffic Enforcement Team for the informative visit.

201 Thank You Road Sign Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime

Bowker Leader Applications

We are looking for new applicants to take on the exciting role of a Bowker Leader.
As a Bowker Leader, you are expected to be a role model and the voice of the children
You will be asked to:
·      Role model the Bowker Vale values (being respectful, honest, fair, proud and kind).
·      Represent Bowker Vale in both the school and the community.
·      Communicate with the school governors regularly.
·      Fundraise for the school and your chosen charities.
·      As a team, work within the community to improve local areas and increase community links.
·      Take part in assemblies. You will help to promote Children’s Rights and be a Leader of Learning.
A Bowker Leader needs to be confident, determined and have good communication and teamwork skills.
If you are chosen for the role you will wear our brand NEW red Bowker Leader jumper with pride!

Applications open for Year 4 to Year 6 (School Year 22-23)

To apply:

– ask your class teacher for an application form.

– Download an application form from our school blog.

– Return your application form to your class teacher by Monday the 4th of July.

You will need permission from your adult at home.

Please return your form to your class teacher by Monday 4th of July 2022.

There are a limited number of Bowker Leader positions available, so unfortunately not everyone who applies will be chosen. However, you may be added to our ‘Bowker members’ list which means you will be able to take part in larger Bowker Leader activities in and around school.

We are excited to read your application, good luck!

Miss O’Keeffe and the Bowker Leaders

Good Luck Card - Care Cards

Blackley In Bloom and litter picking

A selection of the Bowker Leaders took part in some planting around the tree on Middleton Road. We are hoping that the beautiful freshly planted flowers will help deter members of the public from parking on the grass.

We also collected lots of rubbish from our school gates. Please make sure you help keep our school clean by putting your rubbish in the bin, or if there is not a bin around keep hold of it until you get home.

Our Year- Take Over Afternoon!

Well done to the Bowker Leaders, who lead the assembly this morning to remind everyone about our ‘Take over’ afternoon.

On Friday 11th of March to celebrate Manchester’s children and young people and the immense resilience they showed during the pandemic we are having a ‘Take Over’ afternoon at Bowker Vale. Where the children will rule the school! The children will decide the activities that take place in the afternoon. The children have been raising money to support ‘Take over’ afternoon by bringing in 20ps and spare change. Collections end this Friday, so please can I ask for your continued support for one last week of collections.