My trip at PGL!!!

PGL was finally here. We were all so excited to reach our destination in Lincolnshire. We set of from school at around 9:30 and it took us 2 hours and 30 minutes to get there. When we reached PGL it was time to eat and guess what? It was pizza day!!!

We did proper activities on Tuesday. The first activity we did was high ropes. It was so scary at first, but once you had set of climbing and walking around the course it was pretty fun. We were so high it was probably around 40 feet  above ground.Me and Ebony went the course 2 times ,which i think is a pretty great achievement for me since i’m scared off high things.The next activity we did was the giant swing. Me and Ebony went first on the Giant swing, we got clipped in and pulled up. We were so high that we could see the whole city. Ebony pulled the rope and we shot right down it was amazing.

We did other activities and had a lot of fun.




I had the time of my life at pgl (know as pearents get lost).It took 2 and a half hours ,but once we got there we played a big match of football and then we had pizza it was hot they had every thing salad bar sause and bread on the day. We got there we played and played and un packed to room are the best. At night we played games ambush and man hunt, the next morning we had cearal toast bacon , beans. Next day we did high ropes, giant swing, absailing and climing wall (try them all u only get to do it once and it is actually so fun).


PGL Thursday

Today was our last full day of activities. They included Aeroball, All Aboard, Problem Solving and Vertical Challenge. We all enjoyed Aeroball: you bounce on trampolines and play a type of basketball game. It was an energetic and competitive activity. All Aboard involves working in teams of three to get on to different platforms, whilst climbing up a pole. At the top you had to get on to a wooden square that was the size of a pizza box. If there was more than one person, you then had to lean back and let go to be left dangling in the air. Problem Solving made us work in teams to take on different challenges such as making a balance board perfectly balance, whilst we were stood on top and many more. We learnt how important communication is. Vertical Challenge was another climbing activity. We had to climb up rope ladders, tyres, a climbing wall and a net to get to the top. It is clear that we are all improving our ability to climb and that our fears and worries have gone. The end of the night was disco night and we all got a chance to show off our dancing. Tomorrow is our last day and we have two more activities. After that, we will all get the chance to see our families and friends when we return.

Click here to see the photos from today.

PGL Wednesday

We woke up to clear blue skies, but a frosty morning. Our activities were: Abseiling, Orienteering, Jacob’s Ladder and Climbing. For most of us, it was our first time abseiling and we had to climb through a barrier 40 feet in the air, lean back and either walk or jump down. We had to develop our map skills for orienteering to find items all over the site of PGL. We worked in teams to support each other, so that we all improved. Jacob’s Ladder is another activity for teamwork. Three children worked together to climb a huge ladder that had increasing sized gaps that ended up to be the size of an adult. We all did very well and some even got to the top! Climbing had us tackling a wall with holders in them that we had to use our arms and legs to get closer to the top and ring a bell. So many children are conquering their fears now. In the evening we played Capture The Flag. This was a fun-filled, super-active game that had us invading the other team’s half and try to get the flag back to the other side. We had lots of fun doing this. It was a sad evening as we had to say goodbye to Miss Allely and Miss Dobson, but we welcomed Miss Durcan and Mr Jones to the site and they are looking forward to taking part tomorrow.

Please click here for the photographs.

PGL 2016 – Tuesday

Another glorious day and the first day of our activities. Today we had High Ropes, Giant Swing, Tunnel Trail and Zip Wire. High Ropes is like an obstacle course 40 feet above the ground. It is a nerve-wracking experience, but a lot of us managed to conquer our fears. Miss Dobson finally managed to complete it after four years of trying! Giant Swing is a thrilling activity, which requires teamwork and a lot of guts. Someone even has to reach behind them to pull the rope to release the swing. Tunnel Trail was an adventure underground, where we played lots of games crawling through different sized tunnels. Zip Wire requires you to run off a platform and sail across the countryside, high above the ground. We think people back at school might have heard Miss Allely scream on this one! We learnt a few more games and once night had fallen, we ended the evening with a campfire that had different stories and songs. We are all tired after an energetic day, but are looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow.

Click here to see the photographs,  Continue reading


DAY 2 – This morning my group (group 4) first activity was aeroball. It was really fun and I enjoyed it. We were in a trampoline and we had shoot a ball into nets. Our second activity was Abseiling. Abseiling meant that we had to wear our harness and walk down a wall. It was an unforgettable experience and I really enjoyed it. In the afternoon, our activity was the Giant Swing. It was really fun because we got to go really high. Our second activity was the High Ropes which was just an obstacle course in the sky. Two people in my group did it which was me and Jai. It was really hard, but we managed to do it.

PGL Tuesday

PGL day 2 – This morning my first activity with my group was abseiling. To start off with it was quite high but the second time I went down like a pro. Our second activity was aeroball which was quite boring but it involved lots of trampolining which  is one of my favourite things. After an amazing lunch, we did High Ropes which I didn’t do because it was terrifyingly high! After that, we did the Giant Swing which I was tricked into doing, but I managed to do it to the top. Soon we will be going to our camp fire.