PGL Wednesday

We woke up to clear blue skies, but a frosty morning. Our activities were: Abseiling, Orienteering, Jacob’s Ladder and Climbing. For most of us, it was our first time abseiling and we had to climb through a barrier 40 feet in the air, lean back and either walk or jump down. We had to develop our map skills for orienteering to find items all over the site of PGL. We worked in teams to support each other, so that we all improved. Jacob’s Ladder is another activity for teamwork. Three children worked together to climb a huge ladder that had increasing sized gaps that ended up to be the size of an adult. We all did very well and some even got to the top! Climbing had us tackling a wall with holders in them that we had to use our arms and legs to get closer to the top and ring a bell. So many children are conquering their fears now. In the evening we played Capture The Flag. This was a fun-filled, super-active game that had us invading the other team’s half and try to get the flag back to the other side. We had lots of fun doing this. It was a sad evening as we had to say goodbye to Miss Allely and Miss Dobson, but we welcomed Miss Durcan and Mr Jones to the site and they are looking forward to taking part tomorrow.

Please click here for the photographs.

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