RE visit from Sajjad Amin

Year 3 and 4 had a visit from Sajjad Amin who is a trustee at Khizra Mosque in Cheetham Hill.

He answered some questions from the children about the Qu’ran and how its teachings impact on his life as a practising Muslim.

He talked about the messages of respectfulness, kindness and peace and how important these values are to all Muslims.

Healthy Lunchbox Workshop

We had another fantastic parent workshop this morning delivered by the Healthy Weighing Team. They offered so much advice on healthy eating and healthy lunchboxes.

One key piece of information that has stuck in my mind is portion size. See the below guide for the correct guidance we should be offering our children, this also applies to adults.

Eat well guides…

Key points to remember from the session…

•Offer 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day – eat the rainbow

•Provide 6-8 glasses of water or sugar free squash a day.

•Take notice of traffic light system on food packaging

•Be mindful of portion sizes

•Limit processed foods and try to offer foods as close to their natural state Consider frozen fruit and vegetables – these are much fresher and often cheaper!

Why not try one of the healthy lunchbox recipes.

Thank you to our parents for attending.

Please use the QR code for more information.

Writing Magazine Winners

Well done to all the writing superstars who were picked by their teachers to feature in the latest edition of the Writing Magazine and receive a prize for their hard efforts. Children were picked for a range of reasons including writing suitably for their given audience, using capital letters and full stops accurately and producing neat, cursive handwriting. Well done everyone!

The writing winners are:

Nursery- Fletcher Zebras- Hiba Giraffes- Hashim

1K- Sarina 1S- Zakiya

2M- Inayah 2D- Amaya

3M- Khadija 3A- Zayna

4P- Simrah 4DT- Adelina

5B- Tye 5M- Lydia

6T- Amrita 6M- Yevhen

SSC- Liam