Year 1 – English – Making Gingerbread Men

Last week Year 1 enjoyed making Gingerbread Men in the kitchen. As part of our English we are learning about how to read and write instructions. The children followed a set of instructions in order to make their biscuits. We focused on the verbs like empty, mix, roll, knead, cut and decorate and now we will continue to focus on other features of instructions like bullet points, numbered instructions and pictures so that we can eventually write our own.

The children enjoyed their baking experience and we were lucky because non of the Gingerbread men ran away!

Gingerbread biscuits

Today 1K have been baking some gingerbread biscuits. First we read the story of the gingerbread man and mapped it out on a story mountain. Following a set of instructions we then carefully added different ingredients to a bowl, mixed and then kneaded the dough. We then rolled it out and cut out our own gingerbread person. We then decorated them using icing sugar and chocolate drops. Finally we got to eat them, before they ran away! In a few weeks time we are going to be writing our own set of instructions for how to make a gingerbread biscuit.

Our Narnia troll adventure

Today the children in year 1 went on a lovely autumn walk in Narnia. We saw the deep River Irk, some holly bushes and some red berries. Towards the end of our walk we found something very exciting! A real life troll sat beside his bridge. He needed our help to catch the cheeky little trolls who had taken over his forest. We had great fun catching them! In our English lessons we are now going to be writing a recount all about our adventures.

Year Two Visit Heaton Park

We had a great morning visiting Heaton Park today. First we visited the Somme Memorial, which honours soldiers who fought in the First World War. Then we walked up to Heaton Hall, where we sat and had a photo on the steps. After that we walked around the farm and saw goats, hens, sheep, lamas, pigs and a turkey. Finally we fed the birds at the lake. A fun time was had by all!

Year 1 – English – Hook – Non-fiction book – Giraffes

In English, Year 1 are going to start looking at non-fiction texts. Last week we recieved a letter from an animal that led us on a hunt around school. The animal left us facts about themselves at different points so thet we could try to disciver which animal it was and it also led us on a hunt around the different types of trees we have around Bowker Vale. Something that we had recently discovered in our Science lessons about plants where we went round identifying the leaves on trees. When we reach our final clue we ALL knew which animal it was and it led us to find George and Sparkle our class GIRAFFES and a new non-fiction book all about giraffes. In English we are going to explore the book and write our own non-fiction text about giraffes.

Year 1 – NO Pen Day!

Year 1 were shocked and excited to see that all the pencils and pens were taped off this morning as it was NO Pen Day!

The children enjoyed the day doing lots of speaking and listening and creative activities. In English they did ‘talk for writing’ where they shared their sentences with each other so that they can write their Bowker Vale leaflets next week. They enjoyed a lesson full of measure activities in Maths. They also enjoyed learning about Animals Including Humans in our new Science topic where we did talk circles and sorting activities.