Fruit Kebabs in 1K

Today the children in DT made fruit kebabs. First we tasted 5 different fruits and decided which we liked the best. Then we tinkered with the fruits thinking carfefully about which needed washing, peeling and chopping. Then we carefully chopped our fruit and put it onto a skewer. Finally we ate them and they were delicious!

No Pen Day

The children in year 1 have had a fantastic NO PEN DAY! For the entire day our class pens have been locked away giving the children plenty of opportunities to learn through talk and creativity. During the day we have been learning about animals and humans in science and had a practical maths afternoon. We have measured the length in cms, found the mass and measured the capacity of different containers too. It has been a great day!

World Book Day in 1K

Today we have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day. We read a variety of different books, went to a special assembly, visited our school library, made some reading crowns and wands and talked about our favourite books. We have all had a brilliant day.

My Voice Matters!

This week in year 1 we have been doing lots of different activities to celebrate Children’s Mental health week. We have taken part in mindful yoga, thought about what makes us special and unique and listened to peaceful music and thought about how it makes us feel.

Year 1 go to Heaton Park!

Today year 1 have been to Heaton Park. We followed our maps and visited famous landmarks in the park such as the Somme Memorial, Heaton Hall, The Haha Wall and were even invited inside the Tram Museum. We all had a great time and loved playing on the playground too!

Back in school we drew our own maps of the park and next week we are going to be writing a recount about the trip.

Gingerbread Men

Today 1K had a very fun afternoon making gingerbread men in the school kitchen. First we read the Gingerbread Man story and then read a set of instructions for how to make our own. The best part was eating them as they tasted delicious. In a few weeks time they are going to be writing their own instructions. Well done 1K!

A visit from Buddy

Yesterday 1K had a very special visitor! Buddy came into our class and we found out lots of interesting things about him. He performed some tricks and Mrs Jacques showed us some pictures of him as a puppy. We all had a great time! We hope that he comes back to visit again soon.

Year 1 Autumn Forest Adventure

This afternoon year 1 have been for an autumn walk in Narnia. We saw lots of orange and yellow leaves, berries, mushrooms and the fast flowing River Irk. We also came face to face with the grumpy troll who lives under the bridge. He asked us to help him by catching some of his mischievous troll friends. We didn’t mind as it was great fun finding them and we even got to take them home.

Taking turns

In year 1 we have been thinking all about taking turns. We discussed as a class why it is important to share and cooperate with others and also read a story about team work. We then played a game of snakes and ladders making sure that we took turns, encouraged each other and also had fun!