Y6 Topic for the week

Hello. It was great to see all of your World War One reports from last week – well done!

There are two topic lessons for you to complete this week.

The first relates to the Battle of the Somme. There is a lot of information on this website for you to have a read of- www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/36641199.

When you have looked at the website, please complete the Battle of the Somme comprehension activity from your working from home pack. You do not need to email the answers as I will post them on the blog on Thursday for you to mark.

The second lesson relates to trenches. Have a look at this website- www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zqhyb9q/articles/z8sssbk

Can you then draw and label a trench? Can you tell me what the different features are?

Help sheet –

Please email your labelled picture to the class email addresses –

class6d@bowkervale.manchester.sch.uk or class6p@bowkervale.manchester.sch.uk

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