6D Topic Work

We will be doing the same topic work as Mrs Pendleton has set in her blog post today to 6P.

Here’s a copy of Mrs Pendleton’s blog post –

For this week, we would like you to research and make a fact file or report about WW1. You will need many things in your report: a title/heading, an opening paragraph, a closing paragraph, at least three subheadings with matching information (see the list below for ideas) and pictures/diagrams.

Here are some ideas of subheadings: how WW1 started, who was involved, WW1 poems, animals in WW1, war memorials, remembrance day, significant people like Jack/John Simpson from our poem ‘Simpson and his donkey’ and life in the trenches. Of course you are free to add any of your own ideas.

You have all week to complete this task. Please email your work, before 2:30pm on Friday, to –


Here is an example of a WAGOLL –

We look forward to seeing your work.

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