Year 2 Thursday Activities.

Good morning Year 2, are you ready for your Thursday activities? First, we would like you to read a book. Next, we would like you to write a story as a family. You will need to use lots of interesting vocabulary. Watch this video to remind yourself what describing words (adjectives) are. Next, follow the online lessons to complete your own adventure story.

After that, can you get creative and make a sock puppet? Can you write instructions, so family and friends can make a sock puppet?

Then, we would like you to follow the online lesson to find out about cities, towns and villages.

Here are some words to help you describe villages, towns and cities.

  • Cathedral – a place of worship, often a large building.
  • Factory – a building where goods are built or made.
  • Farm – an area of land and buildings where animals are kept or crops are grown.
  • Harbour – a place close to water where boats may shelter from bad weather or be stored.
  • House – a building where people live.
  • Museum – a place people can visit to learn about the past and see objects from the past.
  • Office – a room or building where people work.
  • Port – a place on the land close to water where boats or ships can come to load or unload goods or people.
  • Railway – tracks built for trains to travel on.
  • Road – a wide path built for vehicles to travel on.
  • Shop – a building where goods are sold.

Finally, listen to some music and relax after your very busy day!

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