Fabulous Friday!

Wahoo it’s Friday! Let’s start our day with a Friday boogie!


Next we are going to keep our bodies moving and do some yoga.

After your yoga we would like you to practice your handwriting. Just like Mrs Kershaw, I have been practicing my handwriting and trying to make sure that my capital letters are bigger than my lower case letters and that my letters sit neatly on the line. Today I am going to challenge you to writing the date and title 5 times in your neatest cursive handwriting and to underline it with a ruler. Remember you do not join your capital letters to the others. Here is mine:

For today’s maths challenge we want you to put your time telling skills to the test and use them to solve some word problems. Remember to use your RUCSAC- Read, Underline and Understand, Choose, Solve, Answer and finally Check, Check, Check!

For this week’s Geography challenge we want you to research the continent Africa. Can you use your research to answer the questions below? Extra challenge- Can you create a fact file about Africa?

For today’s art challenge we want you to research traditional African patterns.

Can you create your own traditional African patterns?

Remember to send your excellent art work to be displayed in the BV gallery (the blog!).

To end the week we want you to have a dance party! Put on your favourite songs and have a dance with your family.

We hope you have had a fantastic week of learning, art and fun! We are really proud of you all.

Miss Smith and Mrs Kershaw

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