My trip to pgl

On Monday it was the day we went to pgl. Then we got on the coach and waved to our parents and set off when we got there they told us our groupie ,which was ,Masie and after they told us what room we was in we played football after we played football it was dinner and we had pizza(which was really good). After we had dinner we went to our rooms and unpacked. After we went to our rooms we came out on our groups and had a tour of pgl. Then we had tea which was chicken curry.

My favourite day was when we done rock climbing and I was the first one to ring the bell at the top. Then we done high ropes which I couldn’t do because I looked down and thought I was going to die. After we done climbing and high ropes we done Jacobs ladder which I got 8 on and my partner Adam got 9. Then we done absailing which I done twice and was really fun.

I had a great time at pgl and tryed every obstacle even though I didn’t complete every one.


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