
My trip to PGL has been great.On the first day i was looking forward to seeing the rooms that we were going to stay in for the week.
When we arrived form a tiring 2 and a half hour long journey at Lincolnshire. It was a sunny day,so we decided to have lunch and play games.After a delicious dinner,we played a game called ambush ,which involved hiding in the dark. The scariest part was when birds flew out of nowhere when we were trying to find the people who were hiding.
On Tuesday my favourite activity was the giant swing because that was when a really funny thing happened.Emanuel and I went on the swing and Emanuel started to scream no and wanted to go back down.Emanuel also wanted to go half way , but Mr Worrall took us to the top and said he was taking us half way.PGL was probably the most fun week I’ve had so far because it required teamwork and encouragement.

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