Community Spring Clean

Next week, our children will be taking part in the –

‘Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean’

This means that children will be collecting litter and clearing our school grounds and also our local area too. Please be assured no litter will be handled by the children, they will have long handled picker sticks and sturdy bin bags.

With this big effort from Bowker Vale, we hope that you will notice a really positive difference and that together we can improve our own grounds and our local community.

Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will all be cleaning up areas within our school grounds.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be leaving school on foot to clean up our local area.

There is also a community Spring Clean Event in Blackley Village next Sunday (25 March) at 2pm. Meeting Point is the Old Market Street entrance to Pike Fold Forest (opposite NISA/former Co-op)

Here is the link to the community Facebook event:

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