5M Home Learning

Hi 5M,

As you are aware, we will be learning from home for the next 2 weeks.

Each day, by 9am, there will be tasks set on the blog for you to complete. These tasks will include an English activity, a Maths activity and one other (Science, Topic or creative). You will be expected to complete ALL of these tasks on the day that they are set (unless I say differently) by 2.30pm and send to-


Please do NOT reply through the blog.

Remember to ensure that your work is of the Year 5 standard. This means that the presentation is neat and you have put 100% effort in completing your work.

You also have a ‘just in case’ pack at home to work through at any time.

We will also have two ‘live lessons’ per day via Google Meet to see each other and complete some work. The first lesson will be at 9.30am and the second will be at 2.15pm.

Please remember to take regular breaks, exercise, rest, get fresh air (in your garden) and read, read, read. Make sure you use MyOn if you are running out of reading material. Also, ensure that you are practising your times tables- you can access Times Tables Rock Stars at any time.

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