SSC Afternoon Check In

Welcome back!

Here are the activities for this afternoon:


Today, the children in class will be making pancakes. There are two options for this afternoon’s cooking activity.

Option 1: Cooking.

Miss Taylor has created a video PowerPoint of today’s cooking lesson for you to try at home. Follow the step by step recipe to create delicious pancakes or make a meal of your choice (supervised by your adult).

Option 2: Design a healthy meal.

Challenge: Can you list of the ingredients that you have chosen?

For example, Miss Taylor has chosen grilled chicken, rice, halloumi and grilled vegetables.

Challenge Box

Well done everyone for completing your activities and discussions about Anti-Bullying week yesterday. Theo completed some extra research about bullying and found an inspiring story about a young boy named Charlie.

Cheer Up Charlie Campaign

Charlie is a 10 year old boy and has a great love for theatre and musicals. Unfortunately, some people found Charlie’s interest of singing and acting a little bit strange. Children began to call Charlie names and say hurtful things to him which sadly made Charlie extremely upset.

Charlie nearly gave up on his dream of becoming a singer until his music teacher encouraged him to share his story and help other children that might be affected by bullying.

To Charlie’s amazement, many famous singers and actors got in touch with Charlie to tell him to never give up which helped him overcome the bullies!

Charlie is now an anti-bullying ambassador and has a released a song to raise money for the charity. I have attached the video below.

Charlie’s wants to spread the message that you should never give up on yourself and always follow your dreams – despite what other people might say.

Thank you for sharing Charlie’s wonderful story with us Theo.


Charlie’s story reminds us that we need to respect each other and that we are all different. Can you complete one of the Anti-Bullying activities below?

  1. Mindful colouring activity.

2. Differences worksheet.

Have a great afternoon everyone,

The SSC Team

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