Thank You!

Thank you for your support today as we get used to this new way that school operates. I’m sure you’ll have noticed that the start and end of our school day was much calmer and more orderly today. It is really important that you stick to the time allocated for your child – another reminder below. This is the system for the foreseeable future, until we are advised by the government that systems can be relaxed. We know if it is raining that this will be inconvenient if you are waiting – please make sure you are well prepared with hoods and umbrellas. The system has been risk assessed and agreed by the Local Authority and Governors and is designed to keep everyone safe, following the government guidelines. Thank you again.

Gate 1 is the main gate on the school drive,

Gate 2 is on Middleton Rd at the top of the steps

  • Yr6                   8.30 – 8.40 – Gate 2 –   leave 2.40 – parents stay at the gate
  • Yr5                   8.30 – 8.40 – Gate 1 –   leave 2.40 – parents stay at the gate
  • Yr4                   8.40 – 8.50 – Gate 2 –   leave 2.50 – parents stay at the gate
  • Yr3                   8.40 – 8.50 – Gate 1 –   leave 2.50 – parents stay at the gate
  • Yr2                   8.50 – 9.00 – Gate 1  –   leave 3pm – parents stay at the gate
  • Yr1                   9.05 – either Gate 1 or 2, 1 parent only allowed in to school  – leave 3.05pm
  • Nursery/Rec      9.05 –  either Gate 1 or 2, 1 parent only allowed in to school  – leave 3.05pm

1 parent is allowed onto the top pitch to wait for brothers and sisters at the end of the day

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