September Start

We are really looking forward to welcoming you and your children back to Bowker Vale next week. This letter is similar to that sent at the end of term and contains lots of information. If you need support with the content, please call the school office to go through it with you on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Thank you.

The detailed content of the letter is briefly summarised below –

  • School starts on Thursday 3rd September
  • ANYONE unwell with COVID symptoms must not come to school
  • Lots of protective measures are in place to keep your child/ren safe
  • Children with their ‘old’ teacher in their ‘old’ classroom until Fri 11th September
  • Only one adult (with pre-school child if necessary) to come with each child and must social distance outside the gates
  • Staggered start and finish times
    • Gate 1 is the main gate on the school drive,
    • Gate 2 is on Middleton Rd at the top of the steps
    • Our new Yr6                  8.30 – 8.40 – Gate 2 –   leave 2.40 – parents stay at the gate
    • Our new Yr5                  8.30 – 8.40 – Gate 1 –   leave 2.40 – parents stay at the gate
    • Our new Yr4                  8.40 – 8.50 – Gate 2 –   leave 2.50 – parents stay at the gate
    • Our new Yr3                  8.40 – 8.50 – Gate 1 –   leave 2.50 – parents stay at the gate
    • Our new Yr2                  8.50 – 9.00 – Gate 1  –   leave 3pm – parents stay at the gate
    • Our new Yr1                  9.05 – either Gate 1 or 2, 1 parent only allowed in to school  – leave 3.05pm
    • Our new Nursery/Rec     9.05 –  either Gate 1 or 2, 1 parent only allowed in to school  – leave 3.05pm
  • 1 parent is allowed onto the top pitch to wait for brothers and sisters at the end of the day
  • A small bag is allowed, no PE kit is needed yet, all PE will be outside and done in uniform
  • Asthma medication MUST be sent in to school – you will be contacted if it is not in school
  • Uniform must be labelled and worn each day (we will mark initials if you have not done this)
  • Plenty of adults will be around to help – we will review the situation after a couple of weeks

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