Our superhero Tuesday!

Good morning everyone.

We start off the day with some superhero Spiderman yoga.

For your spelling task today we would like you to pick 8 words from the spelling list and test yourselves on them. You could use look cover, write and then check to help!

For your maths challenge we are going to be looking at shapes. Here is a recap of 2D and 3D shape names. Don’t forget that we describe 2D shapes by describing their sides and corners and 3D shapes by listing how many faces, edges and vertices they have.

We would like you to sort the following shapes onto the table below.

For your writing challenge we would like you to describe a superhero. In your description we would like you to use interesting adjectives, conjunctions and a variety of different types of punctuation. You could use a thesaurus to help you. If you don’t have one at home there are lots of online ones that you can use.

After lunch we would like you to listen to some online superhero stories. Here are some to get you started.

Finally it is time to practice your superhero moves. We would like you to fly, squat and deflect like the ultimate superhero. We would love to see some pictures of you in your superhero poses.

Have a great day year 3.

Mrs Kershaw and Miss Smith

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