Fruit Salad!

Good morning Year 1. Here is this weeks home learning timetable.

Thank you to all those sending fantastic photos of your lovely learning, it’s great to see and share on here.

Today’s learning challenge

Today we would like you to listen to the story ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’

We would like you to think about the fruit you would like in your own fruit salad and fruit you would like to TRY. Draw a picture and label it.

Now have a go at making a fruit salad with fruit you have at home. Think about what fruit needs to be washed, peeled or chopped into slices. How will you prepare the fruit. Remember to do this activity with a grown up to be safe.

Talk about where the fruit has come from? Was it grown in this country or another country? In the ground, on a bush or tree? Are YOU growing any fruit or vegetables this year?

Enjoy your fruit, we look forward to seeing the photos!

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