Happy Monday!

Good morning year 5. I hope you have had a restful weekend and are ready for a fun week of learning!!

Here is your weekly timetable.

We are going to start the day with the wonderful Joe Wicks! I have really been enjoying taking part in his sessions, have you?


After PE with Joe, it is time for spelling and handwriting practice. Warm your hands up and have a go at practising the selection of year 5 spellings in your neatest cursive handwriting. I have used coloured felt tips to practice.


It is now time for maths, your first task is emoji code-breaking followed by counting in multiples of 10. I will post the answers later this afternoon.



I would like you to relisten to ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ by Lynne Cherry by using the link below. Then I would like you to answer the following content domain questions about the book. *Challenge* Post a question in the comment box for your friend to answer!

This afternoon, I would like you to watch the PowerPoint to find out more about the animals that live in the rainforest. Many of these animals are included in The Great Kapok Tree book. I would like you to create a fact file on one of the rainforest animals, it can be one from the PowerPoint or you can research your own. You can download the sheet provided or use your amazing ICT skills and create your own fact file in publisher.

I would like you to finish the day by listening to an audiobook. Enjoy 🙂

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