Good Morning SSC Class

Good morning SSC class and welcome to fabulous Friday! Everyone has worked extremely hard this week, in class and at home, and we are really proud of all of you! Keep up the good work.


This week we have been working on our spelling and thinking about the difference between a consonant and a vowel. Did you manage to complete the maze of consonants task set yesterday?

As a class, we have continued to focus on the importance of reading and have listened to audio books whilst completing some mindful activities. Have you managed to complete any mindful activities whilst listening to your favourite story? Are there any stories that you think the SSC class would enjoy? One of my favourites is Roald Dahl’s ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. I have attached an audio extract below and some mindful colouring activities for you to try at home, I hope you enjoy them.


Next week the SSC will be taking part in the Great Science Share 2020, along with everyone else at Bowker Vale. In preparation, your home learning challenge today is to complete a science investigation! At the SSC, we enjoy conducting the Dancing Raisin experiment.

All you need for the Dancing Raisin experiment is some raisins and lemonade. Drop the raisins into the lemonade and see what happens…

What do you enjoy about science? Is there an experiment that you’ve enjoyed either at school or at home? Next week the blog will be filled with lots of fun science activities you can try but there are also lots of other fun ways to take part in the Great Science Share on .

We can’t wait to hear all about your exciting science discoveries!

The SSC Team

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