Good Morning SSC Class

Hello everyone! How has everyone’s week been so far? We have been very busy in the SSC this week but today is a learning from home day.

Today’s learning


Some questions to think about:

What are your favourite books to read? Do you have a favourite type (also known as a genre) of book to read? If you could choose to read one book what would it be? Do you prefer fiction or non fiction?

Today we are going to ask you to research an author and the author we would like you to research is Roald Dahl. We have chosen Roald Dahl because you might be familiar with some of his books already and because his books are all feel good stories.


This week we have been learning about 2d shapes and have been reminding ourselves of the names of 2d shapes such as: pentagon, hexagon and octagon. Can you draw these shapes carefully by using a ruler?

Can you create a design by drawing different shapes?


We haven’t done any cooking so far this week in the SSC. Have you been making anything at home? Can you cook anything today?

Have a good day.

The SSC Team

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