
Good morning year 3. We hope that you have all had a great week off in the sunshine. We can’t wait to hear from you all and find out what you have been doing and see some of your great learning. This week we have decided that our theme is going to be explorers. We will be looking at lots of different people who are significant in history, as they have discovered something or have been somewhere that nobody had ever been before. It is going to be a voyage of bravery, great discoveries and courage. I hope that you are all ready!

Your timetable for the week.

This week we are going to start each day with some PE with Joe Wicks. Tune in live to watch him get the nation up and jumping around.

After PE and reading it is then time for your maths challenge. Don’t forget to check the answers at 3pm. Good luck!

After maths it is time for topic. Today we are going to be looking at the explorer Ibn Battuta. I would like you to find out why he is known as a famous explorer, where he went and what he did. Here are some topic words to help you.

After lunch I would then like you to use all of the information that you found out about Ibn Battuta and create your own factfile all about him. You could use paper or you could even create a powerpoint on the computer if you have one available.

After that busy day of learning it is time to relax and make sure that we are keeping our minds healthy. You could listen to some music and do the wordsearch below, draw a picture, colour or just simply close your eyes and take some deep breaths.

We are both so proud of you all, so please keep up the hard work.

Don’t forget to tell your family how amazing they are too!

We can’t wait to hear from you all. Don’t forget to email us at…. year3@bowkervale.manchester.sch.uk.

Mrs Kershaw and Miss Smith

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