Happy Monday!

Good morning Year 1 and welcome back to another super week of learning.

Firstly, can I just say how PROUD all of us teachers are of you for all of your effort and enthusiasm towards your learning and it makes us so happy to see your photo’s each day of you having fun and trying so hard at home. A big Well Done!

Here is the weekly timetable to keep you focused and active.

Today’s challenge

Today we would like you to start planning your own Jack and the Beanstalk story. Here is a picture of a story mountain, which you are all familiar with. Use each part as a guide to help you split your story into 5 sections. Draw and label each part of your story. You could change the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to make it your own by using your ideas that you created last week of what was at the top of your beanstalk. They were great ideas!

Once you have drawn each part of your story, can you talk about each part and add actions to the words you are using? This will really help you before you write your own stories tomorrow!

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