Have a terrific Tuesday!

Good morning Year 3,

I hope you have all had a fanastic Easter break and enjoyed the wonderful sunshine. We have lots of fabulous, creative and brain-teasing activities ready for you today!

Today we are going to start with some yoga. Can you do all 10 of these yoga poses? How about without falling over? I had a try.. it is very tricky!

Then it is time to practice your spellings. Have a look at the spellings, say them, practice them and repeat. You could ask your parents or siblings to test you on them.

For your writing challenge I would like you to imagine what weird and wonderful adventures your toys would go on if they were to come alive! Remember to send your work to year3@bowkervale.manchester.sch.uk for myself and Mrs Kershaw to see- we love seeing your fabulous work!

Next I would like you to practice your timetables. I have set up a 3S v 3Su challenge on TT Rockstars. Let the rocking commence!

I would love to know what books you are reading at the moment. I am currently reading Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie!

This afternoon you could have a film afternoon. Relax and a enjoy a good film! I am going to watch 90’s Disney classic ‘Hercules’!

Have a fantastic day and stay safe,

Miss Smith and Mrs Kershaw

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