News Blog 6.3.20

Coronavirus (COVID 19) Update

I am writing to provide re-assurance to parents and carers about the impact of the coronavirus on the school.

The school continues to receive and follow daily advice and guidance from the Department for Education and Public Health England, on how to respond to the emerging issues in relation to the coronavirus.

Public Health England and the office of the Chief Medical Officer are clear in their advice that at the moment, no school should close in response to a suspected (or confirmed) coronavirus (COVID-19) case unless directed to do so by Public Health England. However, the advice and guidance to schools is updated regularly to respond to the changing situation and, as a school, we will respond to that advice. 

The specific national guidance issued in respect of schools is available online at

Your children will tell you that we have had a big push on regular hand washing and have removed shared cups from classroom sinks.

The Department for Education has also set up a Coronavirus helpline that parents and carers can contact to answer COVID-19 questions related to education. The helpline number is 0800 046 8687 and is available from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

In other news –

Please look at our fantastic World Book Day photos on the blog! The children and staff had a super day!

Our next round of clubs begin next week. Please note clubs finish at 3.55pm and we appreciate you collecting your children promptly. Because most of our grounds are used, we are sorry that there is nowhere for you to wait on the premises whilst clubs take place.

Please do make sure you book onto our next Family Learning Reviews when you will be able to discuss any questions you might have –

Class 4Ma will be Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th March 1pm – 4pm

Years 2, 5 and 6 – Monday 23rd March from 1.15pm – 5.30pm

Years 1, 4M and 3 – Wednesday 25th March from 1.15pm – 5.30pm

Dates for your Diaries…..

Monday 9th March – welcome back Mrs Kershaw!

Wk beg 9th March – Clubs begin

Tues 17th March – wear something GREEN to celebrate St Patrick’s Day!

20th March – Mrs Maskery says goodbye to start her maternity leave

Learning Reviews

Class 4Ma will be Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th March 1pm – 4pm

Mon 23rd March – Yrs 2, 5, 6  – 1.30pm – 5.30pm

Wed 25th March – Yrs 1, 3 and 4M – 1.30pm – 5.30pm

Mon 23rd March – Eggs for hatching delivered

Fri 3rd April – Easter Raffle and school closes for Easter

Mon 20th April – school reopens

Fri 22nd May – school closes for half term

Mon 1st June – school reopens

Fri 17th July – school closes at 1.30pm for the Summer holidays

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