
It’s been a while since I’ve posted about Buddy and lots of people outside our school ask me what kinds of things he does, so here’s what this life at Bowker Vale has looked like recently for Buddy!

On Monday this week, Buddy had a great day in the park with Yr1. As part of their learning, the children followed a map around Heaton Park, identifying landmarks and learning lots about things that happened in the past. Everyone was surprised when Buddy started barking at the lion statues!

Buddy has been to both Reception classes this week. The children had thought of some really interesting questions to ask and learned all about what Buddy needed to survive, and also what he needed to keep healthy. He needs food and water to survive, but also exercise and love to keep healthy.

Our Year 5 training group had a session with Shelley, our dog trainer this week. Buddy is working towards his Kennel Club Gold Award and the children are practising all sorts of skills with him. To get gold, he needs to be able to walk to heel at different paces on a lead and off a lead too! Everyone had a go and was impressed at how well Buddy did!

The training team are also now trained as ‘Basic Handlers’ so they will begin their own training sessions with Year 1 children during Children’s Choice time this week.

Lots of the week though….this is what Buddy has been doing!

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