News Blog 13.12.19

Congratulations to the Bowker Vale Team for achieving the Basic Skills Quality Mark (renewal) with flying colours again! This means we are recognised by an external assessor as providing the very best quality education in reading, writing and maths (the basic skills). Teachers, pupils, parents and governors all came together to share the excellent practice here at Bowker Vale. Well done everyone!

It’s been a really busy week, with our very popular breakfast/afternoon tea with Father Christmas sessions, our Christmas Fair and lots of singing throughout the week!

We’ve joined in Save The Children’s Christmas Jumper Day today (and ate our Christmas Dinner in them!) and raised much needed funds for the charity.

Next week, our last week of term, brings our very special EYFS Nativity – families are welcome to come and watch on Tuesday 17th at 1.30pm or Wednesday 18th at 9.00 am. We don’t charge for the performance but we will be selling raffle tickets, so please bring some change!

Our choir will also be performing next week at school and also at Tarnside House, our local supported housing for older people residence.

There won’t be a News Blog next week, so please be reminded we finish at 1.30pm on the 20th December.

Wishing all of our families a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful 2020.

Dates for your Diaries…..

Mon 16th December – Choir performance to school – families of our choir welcome!

Tues 17th December – 1.30pm EYFS Nativity Show

Wed 18th December – 9am EYFS Nativity Show

Thurs 19th December – Christmas Parties

Fri 20th December – 1.30pm school closes for Christmas

Mon 6th January 2020 – school reopens

Thurs 16th Jan – 9am – Yr 3 assembly in hall

Fri 14th Feb – school closes for half term

Mon 24th Feb – school reopens

24 – 28 Feb – Year 6 PGL trip

Mon 23rd March– Parent’s Consultations for Yrs 4, 5, 6  – 1.30pm – 5.30pm

Wed 25th March – Parent’s Consultations for Yrs 1, 2, 3 – 1.30pm – 5.30pm

Fri 3rd April – school closes for Easter

Mon 20th April – school reopens

Fri 22nd May – school closes for half term

Mon 1st June – school reopens

Fri 17th July – school closes at 1.30pm for the Summer holidays

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