News Blog 8.11.19

Welcome back to our second half term of the year. We have welcomed back Miss Hamer to Reception from her maternity leave and said farewell and good luck to Mrs Makwana from Year 6 as she begins hers!

Next week brings Anti-Bullying week, the theme is ‘Change Starts With Us’ and children will be thinking about what they can do to bring about change where it is needed, in school and in the world. It is also ‘Remembrance’ day on Monday the 11th and Year 6 and School Council will be heading to the meadow in Blackley Forest, where we have our special place – here is the Bowker Vale bench, our trees planted to remember the local soldiers who lost their lives and more recently, our display board sharing some poems and art work. On Friday next week, it is Children in Need day. School Councillors have asked us all to come in SPOTS! So it is a non-uniform day, please send in a donation of £1 if you can to send to the charity.

We have quite a few non-uniform days coming up this term where we ask for donations to support charities or for our school fund. Thank you if you can support these and if you feel you can’t there is no pressure, it is all voluntary.

Fri 15 Nov – wear spots for £1 to Children in Need

Fri 22 Nov – non-uniform for a chocolate donation for our Christmas Fair

Fri 29 Nov – wear blue and white for St Andrew’s Day

Fri 6th Dec – non-uniform for cakes donations (EYFS and KS1) and anything in a bottle (KS2) for our                                 Christmas Fair

Fri 13 Dec – Christmas Jumper Day

Finally, you may have noticed our new painted markings on the school drive and in the car park. For the safety of our children, please DO NOT park on any yellow lines or in the yellow box in front of the gate. In the bad weather more and more people are ‘nipping down’ to drop off and pick up, but it is not safe to do so and not permitted. You will be asked to move on if you are seen.

Dates for your Diaries…..

11-15 November – Anti-Bullying Week

Fri 15 Nov – wear spots for £1 to Children in Need

Fri 22nd November – Anti-Bullying Theatre Show to KS2 (in school)

Fri 22 Nov – non-uniform for a chocolate donation for our Christmas Fair

Mon 25th November – Yr2 African drumming workshop

Wed 27th November – NSPCC am – ‘Stay Safe Speak Out’ assembly for children, then family workshop at 2.15pm

Fri 29th November – non-uniform day – wear white and blue to celebrate St Andrew’s Day

Wed 4th December – 2.30pm – Yr4 assembly in hall

Fri 6th Dec – non-uniform for cakes donations (EYFS and KS1) and anything in a bottle (KS2) for our                                 Christmas Fair

Tues 10th December – Winter Fair after school

Fri 13th December – Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Tues 17th December – pm EYFS Nativity Show

Wed 18th December – am EYFS Nativity Show

Thurs 19th December – Christmas Parties

Fri 20th December – 1.30pm school closes for Christmas

Mon 6th January 2020 – school reopens

Thurs 16th Jan – 9am – Yr 3 assembly in hall

Fri 14th Feb – school closes for half term

Mon 24th Feb – school reopens

24 – 28 Feb – Year 6 PGL trip

Mon 23rd March– Parent’s Consultations for Yrs 4, 5, 6  – 1.30pm – 5.30pm

Wed 25th March – Parent’s Consultations for Yrs 1, 2, 3 – 1.30pm – 5.30pm

Fri 3rd April – school closes for Easter

Mon 20th April – school reopens

Fri 22nd May – school closes for half term

Mon 1st June – school reopens

Fri 17th July – school closes at 1.30pm for the Summer holidays

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