Shadow vs Light…

One dark blood curdling night Tam and his teddy called Spark were fast asleep until they heard a unfamiliar sound they saw ?there shadow come out of a mirror !?!?!?!

The next day it wasn’t a normal day it was a wired day Tam was going down stairs to get his socks on before he had known the mirror SHMASHED!!!


Tam thought about going school he had to go because it was his test today ,so he had to go ,so he got his mountion bike and went to school when he got there he saw a copy of him self ,but darker very dark when he got inside he went to the toilet and looked in the mirror he looked more brighter than ever!!!!😳

He went to class and he bumped into his twin in the corridors he said to his twin “That’s it fake me GO AWAY!!! his twin replied “Why!” Tam bashed into his twin…

 After school he went to a mountain at sun-rise with his moution bike he saw an eagle and turned into the eagle he couldn’t believe his eyes he flue past his town into the mist and found his twin and bumped into it and blasted it with a pulse at it and his twin went into the sea will he ever come back…

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