A sunny day in Foxes Den

Reception class were so lucky to have such a beautiful sunny day for our last visit to our Forest School. For a special treat this last day was not in our usual Pixie Hollow, but instead, in Foxes Den, with the mysterious forest to explore and a fire on which to toast our marshmallows.




During our Forest School sessions we have learnt so many fabulous things.  Firstly, we learnt how to be safe in the forest. To use our listening ears and our looking eyes, to never walk near the fire pit (although in Pixie Hollow we just had a picture of the fire on the floor so we could properly practice our safe behaviour), never ever to leave a mess in the forest so our animal friends can still live safely in their homes after we have gone,  and how to use the saws and the tools.

We made Transitional Art, using the fallen branches and leaves as our brush strokes and the beautiful forest as our muse. We made clay faces to leave on the trees and keep watch over our furry friends and we hid from each other inside our own custom made dens that we assembled using sticks and branches that we had made using the saws and tools!

We absolutely loved the day we made hanging bird feeders from apples, coconut oil and bird seeds. These feeders proved to be very popular, although the birds didn’t get a chance to nibble them as the squirrels stole them away to nibble on themselves, leaving a few chunks of apple behind, with evidence of their cheeky teeth marks!




This last day, however, was our most favourite of all. We ran in the fields, and we investigated the bushes, searching for foxes or rabbits. We studied the flowers looking for bumble bees or ladybirds and we bravely climbed the trees. At the end we gathered together at the fire pit with Mrs Rowley, to rest our legs, drink our hot chocolate and make smores over the fire pit. We regaled each other with tales of our adventures and returned to class with full tummies and happy hearts.



Thank you for a fabulous Forest School Mrs Rowley!

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