PGL 2017 – Friday

We awoke to our final morning at PGL and had to clear our rooms before breakfast. A bit of rain was forecast for later in the morning as we prepared for our last two activities. The groups once again had different sessions, which included archery, zip wire, tunnel trail and orienteering. The children showed off lots of new skills that they had gained from their experiences through the week and maintained the enthusiasm that they had at the start of the week. It was pleasing to see how children had grown in confidence and there were one or two that made some amazing personal achievements on the final day. We enjoyed our last lunch at PGL and then began to board the coach. We were very sad to be leaving, but were excited to be reunited with our families once again. A tiring week was evident as many of us fell asleep on our journey home, but we were all very proud of what we had completed this week and knew that we had made some memories which will last a lifetime.


To see photos of the day, click here:



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