Year 6 River Irk science trip with Groundwork UK and The Mersey Rivers Trust

The children in 6P spent an absolutely wonderful morning with some staff from Groundwork UK and The Mersey Rivers Trust. As a school, we are so lucky to have Blackley Forest and the River Irk right on our doorstep. We were able to spend the morning exploring the area and the animals that inhabit it, learning about how rivers shape our landscape and how to work out how fast or slow the river water flows.

The children were shown how to collect insect samples from the water, to analyse what kind of creatures they are – and to have a good look at them through a magnifying glass. Interestingly, the diverse range of creatures found in the water indicates how ‘healthy’ the river is. The brilliant Mersey River Trust were happy to share the good news with us that the River Irk has hugely improved in cleanliness over the last few years, which is lovely to hear!

The children learnt all about animals who live in the forest and took part in a scavenger hunt.

They then learnt all about the flow of rivers and the geographical terms used, then tested the water flow speed with a version of ‘Pooh Sticks’. Using wooden blocks, the children calculated average flow speed and learnt about currents.

We’re very grateful for Groundwork UK and The Mersey Rivers Trust for such a fun and educational morning.