Summer Holiday Help and Support

As we look forward to the summer holiday, we recognise that some children, young people, families may be finding things tough right now. We want you to know where you can go to get some ideas to help with your wellbeing, or get advice, support, or help at this time.

Local Authority Directory of Services

Mental Health and Wellbeing

If your child tells you they are struggling with their mental health or if you suspect this, you should always contact your GP for support and advice.

NHS Mental Health Services

Services from other organisations are available by website or phone/text

Supporting Parents Helpfinder (Young Minds)

Times are tough for many people right now. Parents find themselves pulled in many different direction and children may be struggling being in the house for so much longer than usual.

A mixture of concern about covid, work from home and children at home, along with a possible financial impact make for a stressful household.

Young Minds have created a useful ‘Supporting Parents Helpfinder’. By answering six questions, parents can find out how to support their child’s mental health during the pandemic (and beyond). Find the help finder here:

When emotions explode (Young Minds)

Young Minds have also created a useful poster highlighting ways to give support to children when they have angry feelings or outbursts and may help families start a conversation and talk about each other’s feelings.

Download the poster here:

Kooth  – online emotional and mental health support ages 11-18   for a crisis service


116 123


Family support with lockdown and Covid 19 stresses

Barnardos Boloh – Helpline and webchat for 11+ for Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority children and young people

0800 1512605

Shout – for anyone in crisis at anytime

Text 85258

Mood Swings

MoodSwings  36 New Mount St, Manchester M4 4DE. Helpline staffed from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday – 0161 832 37 36. Online and Skype support – contact them on  or

Anna Freud Centre resources

For adoptive parents, special guardians and foster parents

For parents and carers

Youth Wellbeing Directory – find the right service for your need by location, service name or keyword

Apps with self help strategies reviewed by Anna Freud Centre, including self-harm reduction strategies


Childline – online and on the phone

0800 1111

Report online abuse

Online Safety

Support for parents to keep  children safe online:

CEOP report abuse – This site is for parents and students to report activity around exploitation and abuse.

Report Harmful Content – This is a site which is a gateway to reporting content online to the platforms, that you (student or parent) doesn’t like.-

Report Remove -Young people may make mistakes and share nudes or semi nudes online, if this is done the students can use this tool to get the content removed from the sites that it has been shared on.

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) – This site is where you can make a report if you see any child sexual abuse images or videos online.

Year 1 – Tree Top Nets Trip

Today we had the best adventure. We went on a class trip to celebrate our fabulous year in Year 1.
We set off from Bowker Vale through Heaton Park and had a delicious picnic and play on the field. Then we headed down to Tree Tops where we had the most amazing time bouncing and sliding all over the nets. The children were an absolute credit to Bowker Vale and we were very proud of them. They were positive, enthusiastic, resilient and they made it so much fun. Thank you Year 1!

Year 1S – A term of Forest School Fun

This term Year 1 have loved their forest school sessions. We have explored the forest for its wildlife, we have spotted different birds and bugs and created cosy homes for them using forest treasures.

We have had the pleasure of taking Buddy along with us as he loves forest school as much as we do.

We have identified different leaves from trees and flowers that have started to grow through spring.

We have played fun games of ‘hide and seek’, ‘the moth and the bat’, races and of course much fun to be had on the wooden tree swings.

We have enjoyed sitting round the forest circle and having hot chocolate with a biscuit whilst chatting and making each other laugh.

We are very lucky to have forest school, thank you Mrs Nicholson for giving us this wonderful experience.

World Mental Health Week

Mental Health Awareness Week is happening between 9 to 15 May 2022. The official theme is ‘loneliness’. The children will be talking about and reading stories to do with the theme.

Here is a link from the Mental Health Foundation for some more information

Mental Health week

Year 1 enjoyed reading a story called Lucy’s Blue Day. The story is about Lucy who is a very special little girl with magical hair. It changes colour with her emotions. If she is feeling happy, it is purple. If she is jealous, it will turn green. This charming story is the tale of when Lucy wakes up and her hair is blue, and she doesn’t understand why. She soon learns that it is #OKNotToBeOK

Here is the link incase you would like to listen to the story too!