Christmas Choir!

Our Staff and Children’s Christmas Choir will be starting after half term! If you are in Years 3 to 6 and love a good sing -song you are welcome to come along! We will be singing some beautiful traditional songs and some lively modern songs with a Winter or Christmas theme.

Ask your teacher for a letter or come and ask Miss Jones.

Rehearsals will be in the Nursery on Thursday mornings at 8:00am. Our first rehearsal is on Thursday 3rd November. You will need to come in to school through the Forest Door.

See you then!

Harvest Assembly

A big ‘Thank You’ to all of our families who donated to our Harvest Assembly! We raised over 390kg of food which was gratefully accepted by the Salford Foodbank.

Salford Food Bank are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

If you would like more information about The Trussell Trust and the Salford Foodbank please visit their websites.

Ukelele Performances

Today both Year 4 classes and Ukelele club performed for the whole school in the hall. They sounded amazing and showed us what fantastic songs they had learnt and how wonderfully that they could all play and sing. It was a real treat for the audience to watch! We managed to recors some short clips to share on our blog.

Year 4Ma’s performance:

Year 4M’s performance:

The BBC Philharmonic

Year 6 had an amazing afternoon when they visited Media City to listen to a concert by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra.

We listened to music by composers Anna Clyne, Jessie Montgomery, Vivaldi and John Williams (who wrote the music to the Star Wars movies!)

Here are some of the comments which the children made after listening to the concert:

Aiden: When I listened to the relaxing ones I could have just fallen asleep

Murad: I liked how the sound made pictures in my head

Salman: It was great how the music was real life

Zayan: That was sick!

You can watch the concert again on the iPlayer.