Walk into The Weekend Club

We began our morning ‘walking bus’ club today. We met our group at 8.10am in the Heaton Park car park by Sheepfoot Lane, donned High-vis jackets and attached a new pedometer to ourselves to count our steps.

The group took it in turns to walk Buddy on the lead and we learned what to do when other dogs were around.

Everyone had a little play on the park and then we arrived ready for the start of the day just before 8.40am.

Would anyone else like to join the group? It’s a help for working parents and carers as you can drop the children off at 8.10am and we will walk them to school for you!

Please contact the office if you would like a place.

Walk into the Weekend!

Last Friday saw the launch of our schools brand new Walk into the Weekend activity. Children and
parents/carers are invited to celebrate the end of the working (and school) week by enjoying a walk together through
Heaton Park.
We started of with 18 children and their families joining us and receiving stickers, nature activity
packs, biscuits, juice and a carbon neutral water bottle made from recycled plastic.
We were joined at the launch by Joe – a TFGM traffic engineer – who has reprogrammed the traffic
lights on Middleton Road outside the school, reducing the maximum pedestrian waiting time from
104 seconds to 52 seconds. Additionally he gave us a talk on how the smart puffin crossing works.
The green man (only 5 seconds) is an invitation to cross – it’s not the only safe period to be on the
road. Sensors also keep the motor vehicle lights on red for up to an extra 30 seconds if there are still people
on the road – it is quite reassuring that there is no reason to panic about stumbling children or dropped
toys and water bottles while crossing.
The Walk into the Weekend activity is being organised by Bowker Vale Primary School, WalkRide
Blackley, Heaton Park and the North Neighbourhood Team and will now take place every Friday after
We meet at the Top Pitch after home-time and will make our way up the ramp, entering the park
across from the school and finish at the Lakeside Playground.
Negotiations are currently taking place with Heaton Park to exempt participating parents/carers from
paying parking fees on Friday afternoons in the future.